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Earth & Hammer

Adamite Specimen

Adamite Specimen

Regular price $125.00 USD
Regular price $200.00 USD Sale price $125.00 USD
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Gemmy specimen of adamite from the Ojuela Mine. Lime-green crystals with a beautiful vitreous luster encrust a base of limonite. Additional smaller crystals are noted lower on the specimen. The left side has an excellently exposed cross-section of the hemispherical encrustation showing a radial spray of euhedral crystals.

About This Mineral:
Adamite is a secondary mineral, meaning it forms from other already existing minerals with the aid of rainwater and/or other natural processes. It is typically found in association with zinc deposits and was named in 1866 for its discoverer, Gilbert Joseph Adam, the Inspector of Finance for the French Government. A noted mineral collector, Adam discovered the first recorded specimens of adamite on an expedition in Atacama, Chile.

Hardness: 3.5
Size: 1.4 cm x 2.3 cm x 3.0 cm
Formula: Zn2AsO4OH
Origin: Mina Ojuela, Durango, Mexico

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