Understanding Bowen's Reaction Series: A Journey into Igneous Rock Formation and Fundamental Geology
Did you know that the granite countertop in your kitchen was once molten rock?
Bowen's Reaction Series is a fundamental concept in geology that helps us understand the formation of igneous rocks - from magma to mountains to the granite countertop in your kitchen!
But where did this series come from, and how does it work?
Who was Bowen anyway?
Norman L. Bowen was a Canadian geologist who lived from 1887 to 1956. Known as one of the founding fathers of modern petrology (the study of the formation of rocks from magma), his work still forms the basis for lots of research today in the 21st century! A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bowen spent much of his career working in the Geophysical Laboratory at the Carnegie Institution.
How does Bowen's Reaction Series help us understand igneous rocks?
In 1922, Bowen published his famous Reaction Series for igneous rocks. Through intensive experimental research, Bowen developed an outline of the processes and order in which minerals crystallize from a cooling magma.

By examining the mineral phases present in an igneous rock (like your granite countertop!), we can start to determine the cooling history of a melt. This cooling history can help us decipher where (and at what depth) the rock was formed!
Why is this important?
In addition to understanding the history and evolution of an igneous rock that we know about, Bowen's Reaction Series allows us to make predictions for what kinds of minerals we should expect to see in a cooled magma formed in different geologic settings and at varying pressures and temperatures. This knowledge is vital in interpreting the geological processes that shape our planet.
Stay tuned for detailed posts about each mineral in the series!